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It's Time #1

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

It's Time!

Have you asked yourself recently, what am I doing with my life? Why am I still working at this company? Why am I still dealing with this relationship, or why can't I find the motivation to workout and eat healthier?

Beloved, if you answered yes, today is the day to make some changes! What are you waiting for? The right time? There's never a right time. TIME is only escaping while you wait.

Let me help you out real quick! Grab a sheet of paper. Start by writing down what you are unhappy with in one column. In a second column, write down what you actually want your life to look like. In the third column, write down the steps you need to take to reach your goal.

You see, when you write things down, you activate that dream/vision. When you see the steps you need to take, you realize right then if they are attainable or not. Most dreams are attainable. It might not be easy, but it's attainable. You must be willing to get out of that comfort zone of yours, put in the freaking work, and have faith that you are equipped with what you need to succeed.

You got this!

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